Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"First Look" at Baby No.2

Posted by Jo at 12:26 AM
Last Thursday we went for a 3D/4D ultrasound to look at the baby. The baby look so much like Ed. He/She (since we don't know the sex of the baby) has Ed's mouth and nose. The baby looks very chubby and the lady who did the ultrasound kept saying she can't get over how chubby the baby look. As of two days ago, my weight is 131lbs. I am putting on very fast and I am hungry all the time. Guess I have to start watching my diet or I may get too big.
Finally, school starts today and Lizzy is in school right now. So I get to have some "alone time" in the morning. But still this week is a busy week coz on top of her Chinese class she still have her ballet/tap class and swimming class. Both ballet/tap and swimming will be ending soon. But really thought of letting her continue her ballet/tap class. I just have to be more hardworking in sending her to class.



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